Monday, November 15, 2010

Dove Club

Mourning Dove
Mourning Doves are common around here, just like they are in most places.   But I still like them.  They apparently took a vote and decided to designate my yard as their new club house.  They're here from dawn to dusk. 

Bird on Bird
When they're not scounging for seed spilled from the feeders on the ground, they're lying under my lemon tree - just hanging out.   There can be anywhere from around 10 birds to 50 or 60 basking in the sun.  

They have a designated watch dove.  Or two.  These guys are looking around, while the others eat or sleep.  When I open the slider to my back deck, they alert the other ones.  Unlike the other species, they don't automaticly fly off.  Sometimes they just ignore me.  Sometimes they move a bit further away in the yard.  But they usually stick around. 

On the Balcony Railing
I think there are some season ticket holders, as some of the doves hang around even when I let my dog out.  I'm totally guessing on this, but I think the same birds are coming back again and again.  They seem to have becme accustomed to us and don't panic when they see us. 

On the Roof

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