Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Old Photos - Hawk and Quail

I was going through some old photos and found some bird shots.

Red-shouldered Hawk

Here's a hawk that landed on my garage deck.  I had to shoot this from the other side of the house and into the light.  Not a great way to take a photo, but I edited it enough to try to ID it.  I think it's a Red-shouldered Hawk.
California Quail Parent

Keeping an eye on the line of youngsters
We have a lot of California Quail around here.  It's fun to watch them crossing the road.  These old photos were taken when I saw a lot of them in a line on the roof across the street.  By the time I grabbed my camera, a lot of them had dispersed.  There were at least 50 or 60 of them - more than I normally see in a covy.

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