Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Favorite Birds - Band-Tailed Pigeons

This is not your usual pigeon-in-the-park pigeon.  Look at that bright yellow beak!  They also sport yellow legs and feet.  These guys are the snappy dressers of the pigeon and dove world.   

They prefer forests.  I qualify here, as there's a redwood forest all around here.  Cool fact: They can drink without tipping their heads back, like most birds do.  Cool fact #2: They can empty a bird bath pretty quickly, as they are the largest pigeons. These are North American natives, not imported like some other varieties.

I have no idea why they are named band tailed.  They do have a band on their tail, but the white band on the back of the head seems more prominent.  But, if it were up to me, I'd called them Yellow Footed Pigeons!  Love those yellow shoes they wear.

I don't see these guys all the time,  but I sure enjoy them when they visit.  It's well worth the extra bird seed.

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