Saturday, November 13, 2010

What to Do?

I researched online to find the best squirrel solutions.  They ranged from the sublime to the rediculous.  Cheap to terribly expensive.  I found two that seemed reasonable. 
Cayenne Pepper Powder.  Suppposedly this stuff doesn't bother the birds.  (It hasn't affected my birds.)  And squirrels supposedly hate it.  Most of mine left.  However, one or two seem to like it. 

Squirrel Baffle.  I got one of these to put on my pole. It fits over the pole and keeps the squirrels from climbing the pole. 

 However, it wouldn't fit on the shepherd's pole I had.  I needed to get a new pole.  Found one that would hold up to 4 feeders.  In order to balance things I needed another feeder.  Does this progression of adding things never end?

I purchased a "squirrel proof" feeder next.  It has a metal cage around the feeder holes.  Anything heavier than a bird will pull the cage down and cover the feeding holes.  Below is the setup I have now.  Click on the image to enlarge it.

The  baffle is half way up the pole.  The squirrel proof feeder is the one on the right hand side.  Behind them is a flat feeder in the shape of a crane.  I no longer put food into it, as the squirrels hopped on and kept knocking the wings off.  Behind the crane is the bird bath.

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